The OPA141, OPA2141, and OPA4141 amplifier family is a series of low-power JFET input amplifiers that feature good drift and low input bias current. The rail-to-rail output swing and input range that includes V– allow designers to take advantage of the low-noise characteristics of JFET amplifiers while also interfacing to modern, single-supply, precision analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and digital-to-analog converters (DACs).
The OPA141 achieves 10MHz unity-gain bandwidth and 20V/µs slew rate while consuming only 1.8mA (typ) of quiescent current. It runs on a single 4.5 to 36V supply or dual ±2.25V to ±18V supplies.
All versions are fully specified from –40°C to +125°C for use in the most challenging environments. The OPA141 (single) and OPA2141 (dual) versions are available in both MSOP-8 and SO-8 packages; the OPA4141 (quad) is available in the SO-14 and TSSOP-14 packages.
Products containing the "OPA2141" keyword are: OPA2141AID , OPA2141AID , OPA2141AIDGK , OPA2141AIDGKR , OPA2141AIDGKR , OPA2141AIDGKRG4 , OPA2141AIDGKT , OPA2141AIDGKT , OPA2141AIDR , OPA2141AIDRAll other trademarks are the property of their respective owners
Status | ACTIVE |
Approx. price | 1.30 | 1ku |
Number of channels | 2 |
Total Supply Voltage | 4.5 |
Rail-to-rail | In to V-^Out |
GBW | 10 |
Slew Rate | 20 |
Package Group | SOIC|8 |
Vos (offset voltage @ 25 C) | 3.5 |
Iq per channel | 1.8 |
Vn at 1 kHz | 6.5 |
Rating | Catalog |
Operating temperature range | -40 to 125 |
Package size: mm2:W x L (PKG) | [pf]8SOIC[/pf]: 29 mm2: 6 x 4.9 (SOIC|8) |
Offset drift | 2 |
Features | N/A |
Input bias current | 20 |
CMRR | 126 |
Output current | 30 |
Architecture | FET |
Radiation, TID | |
Radiation, SEL | |
Input common mode headroom (to negative supply) | -0.1 |
Input common mode headroom (to positive supply) | -3.5 |
Output swing headroom (to negative supply) | 0.35 |
Output swing headroom (to positive supply) | -0.35 |