LM306 - Single, Strobed, High Speed Differential Comparator with Push-Pull Outputs

Updated : 2020-01-09 14:22:18

The LM306 is a high-speed voltage comparator with differential inputs, a low-impedance high-
sink-current (100 mA) output, and two strobe inputs. This device detects low-level analog or digital signals and can drive digital logic or lamps and relays directly. Short-circuit protection and surge-current limiting is provided.

A low-level input at either strobe causes the output to remain high regardless of the differential input.When both strobe inputs are either open or at a high logic level, the output voltage is controlled by the differential input voltage. The circuit will operate with any negative supply voltage between -3 V and -12 V with little difference in performance.

The LM306 is characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C.

Products containing the "LM306" keyword are: LM306 , LM3064 , LM306D , LM306D , LM306D3 , LM306DE4 , LM306DG4 , LM306DP3 , LM306DR , LM306DR , LM306DRE4 , LM306DRE4 , LM306DRG4 , LM306DRG4 , LM306H , LM306H-NEW.NEW.NEW , LM306H/883 , LM306JG , LM306N , LM306P

  • Fast Response Times
  • Improved Gain and Accuracy
  • Fanout to 10 Series 54/74 TTL Loads
  • Strobe Capability
  • Short-Circuit and Surge Protection
  • Designed to Be Interchangeable With National Semiconductor LM306