The ADS5120 is a low-power, 8-channel, 10-bit, 40MSPS CMOS Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) that operates from a single 1.8V supply, while offering 1.8V and 3.3V digital I/O flexibility. A single-ended input clock is used for simultaneous sampling of up to eight analog differential input channels. The flexible duty cycle adjust circuit (DCASEL) allows the use of a non-50% clock duty cycle. Individual standby pins allow users the ability to power-down any number of ADCs. A sample-and-hold stage is added in front of the ADC and a digital error correction circuit is used to generate the final digital code.
The internal reference can be bypassed to use an external reference to suit the accuracy and temperature drift requirements of the application. A 10-bit parallel bus on eight channels is provided with 3-state outputs.
The speed, resolution, and low-power of the ADS5120 makes it ideal for applications requiring high-density signal processing in low-power environments.
The ADS5120 is characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C.
Products containing the "ADS5120" keyword are: ADS5120 , ADS5120CGHK , ADS5120CGHK , ADS5120CZHK , ADS5120EVMMicroSTAR BGA is a trademark of Texas Instruments. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Status | ACTIVE |
SubFamily | High-speed ADCs (>10MSPS) |
Resolution | 10 |
Sample Rate | 40 |
Number of input channels | 8 |
INL | |
SNR | 58 |
SFDR | 72 |
Power consumption | 794 |
Interface | Parallel CMOS |
Architecture | Pipeline |
Operating temperature range | 0 to 70 |
Rating | Catalog |
Package Group | BGA MICROSTAR|257 |
Package size: mm2:W x L (PKG) | [pf]257BGA MICROSTAR[/pf]: 256 mm2: 16 x 16 (BGA MICROSTAR|257) |
Approx. price | 55.42 | 1ku |
Analog input BW | 300 |