The HC688 and HCT688 are 8-bit magnitude comparators designed for use in computer and logic applications that require the comparison of two 8-bit binary words. When the compared words are equal the output (Y) is low and can be used as the enabling input for the next device in a cascaded application.
Products containing the "CD54HCT688" keyword are: CD54HCT688F , CD54HCT688F .. , CD54HCT688F-TI , CD54HCT688F3A , CD54HCT688F3A 5962-86857 , CD54HCT688FRCAZData sheet acquired from Harris Semiconductor
Status | ACTIVE |
SubFamily | Digital comparator |
Technology Family | HCT |
VCC | 5.5 |
Bits | 8 |
Voltage | 4.5 |
F @ nom voltage | 70 |
ICC @ nom voltage | 0.08 |
tpd @ Nom Voltage | 42 |
Rating | Military |
Operating temperature range | -55 to 125 |
Package Group | CDIP|20 |
Package size: mm2:W x L (PKG) | See datasheet (CDIP) |
Approx. price |